Thursday, June 27, 2013

Criminals - 28 Baltimore City Police - 0

If I'm not mistaken, there have been 28 shootings and 9 murders in Baltimore since Friday.  Can anyone refute the appropriateness of the nickname 'Bodymore, Murderland'?  One has to ask, 'what the hell is going on in the city?'

It's no secret that Baltimore is the King of Murder on the East Coast.  The city always ranks in the top 5 of the most dangerous cities in the United States.  The city is and has been torn apart with drugs, prostitution, fatherless families, parents that don't give a sheet of paper about their children, politicians that are more interested in votes and turn a blind eye to crime until it starts making the news, a bureaucracy that's more interested in money for projects than results, and an incongruous transportation infrastructure system that rivals Rochester, New York and Knoxville, Tennessee.

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, while not known to be committing murders, unlike former New England Patriot's tight-end Aaron Hernandez, says that the shootings are a sad state of affairs in the city and blames the violence on a pipeline of guns rather than the criminal mentality of the city's residents.  I suspect this increase in shootings will spur a renewed effort to further restrict gun rights, despite the probability that hundreds of existing laws were broken in these crimes since Friday.  If convicted of the crimes they broke, they'd be in jail for the rest of their lives; yet in all likelihood, they'll be back on the streets before the end of the year.

So what is the reason for the recent "spike" in crime?  It is often argued that hot weather causes an increase in crime.  So do full moons, and if you'll recall we had our supermoon this past weekend and it's been hot, so maybe supermoons cause supercrime.  Perhaps the blame lies squarely on the slumping Baltimore Orioles; Orioles lose, someone gets shot.  Maybe the anger hit a melting point with the recent proposal to increase the water rate in the city and spilled boiling violence into the streets.  Could it be that school has ended and there's nothing to do but shoot each other?

My father once said that Baltimore City needs more guns so that the criminals can shoot each other, with the point that eventually the criminals will die out.  Initially intriguing, despite being grossly politically incorrect, his argument was also flawed.  I think that the violence committed by thugs initially will cause the victims to turn to crime as retribution, thus creating more criminals and more crime.  It doesn't help that our media celebrates and glorifies the violent thugs of our society.

Is this going to be a summer of death in Baltimore?  What is the reason for the recent uptick in crime in Baltimore City?  What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There is a correlation between heat and the murder rate.

Interestingly, there is a national program to track prescriptions that are narcotics. Many other states (e.g. MN) have the websites active. Strangely Maryland does not.

My hypothesis: the source of most of the prescription narcotics would be quickly found. And, it might lead to where? How might such a helpful website hurt politicians who have not implemented this free federal program? Could some of the drug money be going to police and politicians? Just asking questions...

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