Monday, November 10, 2008

Don't Be Late!

I had an appointment at the doctor's office today. The appointment was at 9:30. Do you know what time I arrived? 9:30. Why did I arrive at 9:30? Because that is when my appointment was scheduled.

Meanwhile, when I walked in a confused old man was in front of me. Unfortunately he was able to meander to the sign-in clip-board before I could get there. He took his time signing in. But I waited patiently because he had his Navy Veteran's cap on indicating which ship he served on during WWII - you know. The big one.

Anyway, when he finally finished and stepped away and the shadows had moved so gently across the floor, I stepped forward to sign in. Being curious, I looked at his information. The current time? 9:30. His appointment? 10am. Yes. You must always be half an hour early to an appointment.

If they took him before me, by God, I was going to swipe that cap of his. Fortunately for him, they took the patients according to when they were scheduled or sometime thereafter, which for me was 9:45.


Happy Veterans Day!

1 comment:

Bujio said...

Ouch Mate. I'm really glad that they didn't call him before you. I was worried that they were going to yell at you because you didn't sign in on time because Mr. Veteran was in the way.

I've been told to be on time at the Doctor's office before. And I yelled at the lady because they are serving me, not the other way around. If they want me to pay for service, they'll serve me when I get there. Gosh!!

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