Monday, April 21, 2008

Name the Baby Elephant

The contest to name the baby elepant at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore (more commonly known as the Baltimore Zoo), will be coming to a conclusion soon. The winner will be announced on Satuday April 26th.

The final names are:
1) Chewie
2) Crush
3) Duke
4) Samson
5) Zeus

Now, the problem with these names is that none have anything to do with Baltimore or Maryland. I think the name of the elephant should have something to do with our great city or state. I have come up with my own list of potential names that you can vote on.

1) Drive-by Shooting (we could call him DBS for short)
2) GSW (short for gun shot wound)
3) Structural Deficit
4) Stop Snitchin'
5) Undeterred Street Thug
6) School Teacher Beater
7) Slots
8) Computer Tax
9) Speed Camera
10) Overzealous Liberal

Tell me what you think!


Charm City Kim said...

How about sade baderinwa? I bet O'Malley would love it!

FreeMarket said...

Absolutely not. We do not want him to impregnate the elephant and make it flee to New Jersey where it will be hit by a car...

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