Friday, December 14, 2007

New Jersey Endorses Crime

New Jersey voters and lawmakers sent a bill to the governor ending the death penalty. They want to send a clear and stern message to terrorists, criminals, and domestic violence abusers - "it's okay to kill people in our state. We won't do anything to you!"

Especially thankful is Jesse Timmendequas, the lunatic that raped and murdered 7 year old Megan Kanka, whose rape and murder inspired "Megan's Law". Now other lunatics can live in comfort knowing that when they rape and murder 7 year old girls, they will get a warm prison cell and television and fried chicken for the rest of their life rather than live in fear of the day of their execution.

Expect the next version of the Sopranos to totally be located in New Jersey. Thug husbands will cross from Pennsylvania and Delaware to beat the crap out of their wives.

Other pansy states, like Maryland, also want to end the death penalty. In fact, Maryland wants to allow criminals in jail to vote. Mostly because criminals vote overwhelmingly Democratic. And if you execute a child predator who raped and murdered a 6 year old girl, then you won't get his vote.

Maryland Democrats have searched frantically for ways to increase votes. The court system cracked down on them during the Glendening administration when over 35% of the dead people in Baltimore City voted for Glendening. Now they are pulling for voting criminals and illegal aliens.

1 comment:

Charm City Kim said...

I am appalled by NJ's ruling on the death penalty. I think if MD also abolishes it, I'll have to move.

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