Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Baltimore Sun Loses Further Grip on Reality

I wasn't going to write anything about the death of Sean Taylor, the punk football star for the Washington Redskins who was shot and killed in his Miami home last week. I mean, for real - a sucka' gets popped every day of the week. This time the sucka' was more prominent than normal, but he was still a criminal, and it's usually not nice to speak bad of the dead.

So I'm not going to speak bad of the dead. Actually, let me rephrase that. I'm not going to speak bad of Sean Taylor. I'm speaking about The Baltimore Sun, which in many people's opinion, is dead.

On December 2, slightly post-pubescent Rick Mease, a sports writer for The Sun, wrote his own article about Sean Taylor, as this was a mandatory assignment for all sports-writers for the week. Here are some quotes:

"To far too many, hearing phrases such as "black-on-black crime" is like an assignment of responsibility, a presumption that the epidemic is confined to a single race - and so the solution should be, too."

"We must stop fleeing Baltimore at 5 p.m. each workday and pretending life there ceases to exist when the sun goes down."

"In communities across the nation, we all have blood on our hands. Regardless of your race, your neighborhood or your bank account, we all must accept some culpability for allowing this culture of death to flourish."

So, in case you didn't know it - Sean Taylor's death is actually your fault. Because you go home to your family after work at 5pm, Sean Taylor is dead. Because you moved to the safety of the suburbs, it's your fault that Sean Taylor is dead. Because you are white, it's your fault that Sean Taylor is dead.

Is Rick Mease out of his freaking mind??? We moved out of Baltimore City in 1986 when my neighbor was murdered. My parents moved us to the suburbs where it was safe, where we could get a better education. A side effect of this move was we got a bigger house, a bigger yard, and we never got robbed again. In the last 3 years of our life in the city, my motorcycle was stolen, my bike was stolen, our car was vandalized in our driveway, and someone broke into our house while we were sleeping. Is this any way to live? Should we have stayed in the city for the greater good of society? F-society! We're getting out of here!!!

So Rick Mease, who exposed his bleeding liberal heart in a sports article is now the laughing stock of the entire nation. Check out the feedback page of his article. No one thinks he's sane.

Here are some of the comments:
  • Hey Reality Check:Whattya say we meet in West Baltimore about 5:15 on Monday. We'll just hang out together and hold hands. Maybe it'll do some good. After all, we're all culpable.
  • Beachbum,We'll light candles. That should end the violence.
  • You remind me of the kid in college who states, "People who eat ice cream are more likely to receive a snake bite." Of course they are, snakes only prowl in the summer and most people eat ice cream when it's warm.
  • Hey, Rick Maese:You are a POS.I am sure your PC crap pleases your SUN bosses.
  • Hey, Rick Maese:You are a POS.P is for PILE, not just a piece!!!
And this is just the comments on page 37 of 37 pages of comments. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if Baltimore City would just arrest and convict 250,000 of the most violent criminals in the city, it would be a much safer place to live.

So, while the death of Sean Taylor is tragic and senseless, let's get a reality check. Crime is not the fault of the people fleeing from it.

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