Thursday, September 21, 2006

Death of the Death Penalty

And Justice For All

On May 27, 2004, illegal aliens Policarpio Espinoza and Adan Canela sliced the throats of their young family members, Lucero Espinoza 8, Ricardo Espinoza 9, and Alexis Espejo Quezeda 10. They children were found nearly decapitated. Their blood was everywhere. Officers that arrived on the scene were crying at the sight they discovered.

An investigation found the children's' blood on Policarpio and Adan's clothes. A bloody knife was found in their possession that matched the blood of the children. The children had blood and skin under their fingernails that matched Policarpio and Adan's. It was suspected that the children clenched their tiny hands into the skin of their killers as they were screaming for dear life.

Now for the crazy part. The family members have criticized the Baltimore City Police for having arrested the wrong people. Huh????? Baltimore City Police get a lot of crap, but I think they got this one right.

Now, to make matters worse, during sentencing, Circuit Judge David B. Mitchell stated, "In these cases, the severity of the deaths and the facts that surround their demise calls for the severest sentence we can give." Yeah!!! Give it to them!!!

Their sentence? Two life sentences plus thirty years! Are you serious????? They killed 3 young children, not an f-in stray cat!

I predict that the ACLU will be all over this. Oh, the brutality of this harsh sentence! I suspect that these 2 killers will be subject to cafeteria-style food, unfashionable prison jump suits, and old magazines. There may even by some unflattering name-calling by some of the rougher prisoners.

Drip and Drop

In a related story, the lawyer for Vernon Evans, the man convicted of killing Scott Piechowicz and his sister-in-law, Susan Kennedy, both employees at a Pikesville hotel, has called for the death penalty to be abolished in Maryland. He claims that lethal injection in cruel and unusual.

First the cruel part. The needles that are used can cause excruciating pain and the drug that is delivered can burn and be very painful. Okay, I donated blood last week. That needle caused excruciating pain and the iodine really burned as it mixed with the blood at the surface. One of my coworkers passed out and was forced to eat cookies and drink Coke for 4 hours. Can I sue the American Red Cross for cruel and unusual punishment? Are convicted heartless murders precluded from going to the dentist? I had a tooth removed, and wouldn't you know it, they used a needle and it hurt like hell. Did the dentist realize how much pain he was inflicting on me?

This is getting out of hand. Pain? The lawyer says that Evans' intravenous drug use complicates the matter. If you ask me, it gives me more peace of mind knowing that this guy's last sight will be the drop-ceiling in the execution room as he is sent to eternal damnation for a fiery life in hell. His last image of life on Earth shouldn't be when he's 85 years old from the comfy confines of his cell while watching David Letterman's Top Ten List.

Unusual? There have been 1,047 executions since capital punishment was reinstated in 1976. There are 3,370 people currently sitting on death row. And Death Row Records signed Tupac Shakur and Snoop Doggy Dog, but that's not important right now.

It does not seem unusual to execute someone by lethal injection. It's a needle. It would be unusual to execute someone with a cheese grater and rubbing alcohol or an apple peeler and salt (both my preferred method of execution of murderers).

Many people argue that the death penalty is not a deterrent of crime. Who the frick said we needed it as a deterrent? It's revenge! You killed someone! Do liberals and public defenders (okay, they're one and the same) have any compassion for the victims or the families? These people took someone's life! Many had children. Many are children. If someone killed one of my kids, I would hunt them down and take care of business myself. I would be the most famous vigilante of all time. I ain't relying on the government for a speedy 2 year trial that will send the killers to a lifetime rent-free room in Jessup.

I wonder how Dr. McDreamy feels about this subject? For that, check out Twinkie's blog. Twinkie, thanks for the plug! Back at you!

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